Bandar Jelutong, Penang Island, Malaysia
A 157m-high 975,000sqft condominium development consisting of a 43-storey and a 24-storey condominium inclusive of 8 levels of elevated car parking with an 1800mm thick post-tensioned (PT) concrete transfer floor. The building superstructure consists of RC flat slabs and RC shear walls within the residential units offering a superior architectural product without any structural protrusions whatsoever. These shear walls are subsequently founded upon a structurally efficient 1800mm thick dual-cast PT transfer plate which separates the residential floors from the elevated car park floors beneath, transferring both the vertical and lateral load functional framing systems.
Client: Gema Intan Sdn Bhd
Consultancy Scope: Full Structural Engineering
Project Cost: RM150mil.
Project Status: Completed in 2018