High-Rise Structural Engineering
Tall slender structures have specific engineering demands and are subject to the forces of nature such as wind and earthquake forces. Other considerations include the actual physical site constraints, materials constraints, building functionality requirements, build-ability, vertical transportation and M&E requirements.
Specifically, our structural engineering consultancy services include amongst others the following sub-disciplines: –
High-rise structural engineering design
Staged construction analysis
Wind analysis (static, dynamic and aerodynamic)
Wind tunnel test specification and interpretation
Wind acceleration serviceability response analysis
Wall / column differential axial shortening analysis
Composite steel column design
Core and shear wall analysis and design
Core and outrigger wall analysis and design
Tube and mega tube analysis and design
Global elastic buckling and p-delta analysis
Earthquake engineering design
Equivalent static, multi-modal and performance based earthquake analysis and design
Base isolation analysis and design
Tuned mass damper analysis and design
Tuned slosh damper analysis and design
Post-tensioned (PT) concrete design
PT flat slab design
PT banded flat slab design for long spans
PT tendons shop drawing detailing
PT tendons automated quantification
PT slab long-term creep and cracked deflection analysis and design
Composite steel floor design
Composite castellated / cellular steel beam floor design with integrated services for long spans
Human footfall induced vibration analysis and design